Summer Camp Information, Offerings, and Registration
Summer Camp Information
If you would like to learn more about the camps, please attend our camp open house. You can tour the Easton Community Center, find out more specific details about camp programs, ask any questions that you may have and sign up in person. Roll the discount dice to get an even bigger discount when registering and paying the day of the open house.
Register On-line and save time Eastoncc.com
A $100 non-refundable fee is required as a deposit for a one week session and a $200 deposit for two or more weeks. You may either send a check payable to the ECC or use your Amex, MASTERCARD or VISA card. Payment in full and all required paperwork is due before June 1, 2023. Payment in full is required when registering for additional weeks of camp while camp is in session. You may also register online & by phone with your credit card. Please call the ECC office at (203) 459-9700 and have your AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD or VISA CARD ready.
REFUNDS – In the event of cancellation you will be charged the deposit fee for administrative costs ($100 for one week and $200 for multiple weeks). The tuition balance is refundable if your child cannot attend camp and we are informed two weeks before the start of the camp season. Withdrawal requests must be made in writing, No telephone requests will be honored.
NO refunds can be made for early departure once the camp season has begun. (e.g. illness, injury or home sickness). CLC has a no refund policy due to limited space, transportation and entry fees.
All campers will receive our vital information package and medical form when they send in their registration. The health forms and medications needed during the camp day must be submitted the week prior to the scheduled week they are attending or your child cannot attend camp until it has been received, reviewed and approved by a director.
We will not accept children to camp unless all required paperwork is received and complete. Medications must have proper labeling, original container, non-expired and have doctors and parents signatures on medication administration form with a care plan.
Discounts – (Payment must be made in full to receive the Early Bird discount.)
The following discounts cannot be combined.
Early Bird: Mar. 1 – Mar. 31 / $20 off each week of full day camp and $10 off ½ day camps, if registered prior to April 1, 2023. Payment must be paid in full at the time of registration.
Sibling Discount: $10 off the second and third child that are registering for the same weeks as first child.
Frequent Flyer: $20 off each week of full day camps, $10 off each week of half day camp, when you register a child for 7 or more weeks of camp. If you withdraw your child from camp and the number of weeks falls below 7 this discount will be void and the discounted fees will be reapplied.
A $100 non-refundable fee is required as a deposit for a one week session and a $200 deposit for two or more weeks. You may either send a check payable to the ECC or use your Amex, MASTERCARD or VISA card. Payment in full and all required paperwork is due before June 3, 2024. Payment in full is required when registering for additional weeks of camp while camp is in session. You may also register online & by phone with your credit card. Please call the ECC office at (203) 459-9700 and have your AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD or VISA CARD ready.
Refunds: – In the event of cancellation you will be charged the deposit fee for administrative costs ($100 for one week and $200 for multiple weeks). The tuition balance is refundable if your child cannot attend camp and we are informed two weeks before the start of the camp season. Withdrawal requests must be made in writing, No telephone requests will be honored.
NO refunds can be made for early departure once the camp season has begun. (e.g. illness, injury or home sickness). CLC has a no refund policy due to limited space, transportation and entry fees.
Summer Camp Offerings
The Little Leaders Camp is especially designed to meet the needs of younger children with a half day and full day camp options. Our counselors for this program are fun, energetic, experienced preschool teachers/aides, so the children continue learning and exploring all summer long. Your child will enjoy sports, arts & crafts, water play, story time, music & movement, special events and learn how to share and grow with the other campers. The counselors will be incorporating certain values such as respect, responsibility, teamwork and manners into the everyday activities. The counselors will encourage the children to try activities and master new skills. Your camper will not only leave our camp feeling a sense of accomplishment but also have new friends, songs to sing and stories to tell about the fun filled days at the ECC. This camp has limited spaces to allow for more individual attention. Sign up early.
The summer Wanderers Camp runs for ten weeks and is designed to provide a summer full of fun activities for young campers who were in Pre K, Kindergarten and First Grade during the 2022-2023 school year. The full day program runs from 9AM until 4PM. Please note that we do not advise Wanderers age campers to participate in the late pick up option as such a long day is difficult for this age group.
Please pack a snack – Lunch is provided to all campers.
The Explorer Camp revolves around a range of fascinating, exciting, and stimulating topics. These topics are especially designed to challenge, absorb, and enrich each camper. The camp is designed for boys and girls Grades 2-8 (Ages 6.5 – 14).
Children will be divided into groups according to age and enrollment.
Explorer’s Topics;
Acting, Creative writing, Computers, Team Building, Sports,
Media and Video Creative Arts, Music, Nature, and Animals, Dance
The success of Explorer Camp is undoubtedly the quality of our teaching staff. All are highly successful young teachers, educators and motivators who are selected from the area’s top colleges and universities. They are complemented by our experts and guest speakers during special events.
The philosophy of Explorers Camp is one of experimentation and experience. Children will learn through a complete “hands-on” approach, highlighting exploration and critical analysis.
The learning environment that Explorer Camp creates allows for personal expression and creativity. There are constant opportunities and limitless challenges, all of which take place under the constant guidance of our expert teaching staff who will nurture, enlighten, and motivate your children towards new and interesting goals.
In a typical week of Explorer Camp a child will participate in the creation of film presentations, newspaper articles, computers and other specialty topics. The schedule is flexible and will be altered to accommodate theme days, guests and group presentations.
The Community Leadership Club is centered around teaching the campers about manners, morals, respect, responsibility, leadership, hard work, honesty and many other great traits. We put a lot of emphasis on Thursday the community service day; this is our give back day where the day is about helping others and not themselves. It is a great learning experience for every camper. We need every camper to be mature and give back to the community. We have the ability to limit participation of some of the fun filled activities if necessary. I know we will have an amazing summer and I look forward to working with every camper.
Click Here to be directed to the Community Leadership Club’s Information
Weekly Trip and Camp Theme Schedules
* All Trips are subject to change. Any changes that are made; participants will be contacted
Click Here to view our Weekly Theme Schedule